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Growing up, our family didn't travel a lot. Each summer, we spent a few weeks at our place on Paradise Lake in northern Michigan, which was terrific. We could swim and fish, occasionally making the short trip into Mackinaw City for ice cream and to watch the Mackinac Bridge light up at night. We did make one trip to Gettysburg and Washington, D.C. when I was 13, but that was about it. Ann hadn't traveled much in her youth, either, but had done a lot more in her adult life, including a number of trips to Europe. We have traveled quite a bit since we've been together, and I have really enjoyed seeing the country and the world, and am quite grateful to have had the opportunity to do so. So far, I've been to 37 states and 10 foreign countries, and enjoyed absorbing the local cultures, not only abroad but here in the United States as we've traveled from region to region. Even though I was a photojournalist, my travel photography was not great early on. I have become better more recently. There are still many places to visit on our vacation wish list, just as long as I get to work in a few trips back to northern Michigan to go fishing. Here are some highlighted trips and my photos from the last 20 years:





This was my first trip overseas, and it was overwhelming at times, starting with a long flight. We began our three-week trip by attending a wedding in the Netherlands, then made a grand tour driving through Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and France. Along the way we spent a couple days in a convent, and had a lot of great food.


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